Est. 1976

By Martial Artists. For Martial Artists.

Born of the need of martial artists. Versatile solutions that adapt to the changing lives of those we serve.

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Man Building Wavemaster Punching Bag

Made in America


Made in America is not just some empty phrase; it has weight. Those three words need to be said with care. And when they are, people need to know you mean it. We mean it. Today, here in the heart of the country, what we make is made here. From the heart.

Made in America.

Numbers Don't Lie

Math is the language of the universe, and there’s no debating it. That’s what makes it so beautiful. The order of it. The truth of it. From Aristotle to now, it’s the bedrock of all philosophy and the father of modern science: things are either true or they’re not. You either get results, or you don’t.

And you just can’t argue with results.

That’s what we care about: Results. Good ones. The best. We accept nothing less. And we don’t just test, we invest in testing. Our commitment to quality control is so rigorous that our Quality Control (QC) will tenaciously QC themselves. When the rest of us are on holiday, they are running the numbers on the numbers. When they see the industry standard says a maximum of 10 ppm, then they knock it down to 5. By their account, to merely meet standards is to fail them. Their goal is to always exceed any standard, any goal. No exceptions.

And we don’t argue; they get results.

They keep everything in perfect order. They have absolute dominion over their universe, and it… is… beautiful. After all, the math is on their side.

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Century Exist To Inspire Logo